Gastroenterology Blog
Which Colon Health Screening Method is Best: Full Colonoscopy or Stool Testing?
With the rise of at-home stool testing, is a full colonoscopy still the best option for colon cancer screening? Discover the benefits of both methods.
Get to Know Crohn's Disease
Crohn's disease can impact your overall health. Discover more about this form of irritable bowel disease and how to take control of your health.
When Should Hemorrhoids Be Treated By a Specialist?
Living with hemorrhoids can severely impact your day-to-day activities. Learn about the types of hemorrhoids and when to consult a GI physician.
What Are the Most Well-Known Signs of Fatty Liver Disease?
Understand the signs, diagnosis, and treatment of fatty liver disease. Prompt care of the condition can enhance life expectancy and liver health.
Living With UC: Know and Understand Its Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments
Ulcerative colitis is a condition involving the colon and rectum. Find out more about this long-term GI condition and how it may impact your health.
Are Acid Reflux and GERD the Same Thing?
Acid reflux and GERD can appear very similar; yet, there is a clear difference between these two conditions. Our team is here to help.
What is FibroScan® and How Does It Help?
The FibroScan test is a revolutionary ultrasound exam used to uncover liver scarring and/or stiffness and to monitor liver conditions.
What Causes IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)? Am I at Risk?
IBS could lead to diarrhea, gas, stomach pain, and other gastrointestinal issues, but you don't have to live with them forever. Read on to learn more.
What Should You Know About Celiac Disease?
Celiac disease can affect your gastrointestinal system in many aspects. Learn more about celiac disease and how to guard your GI health.
Learn About the Signs and Symptoms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
IBD can involve consistent discomfort, including upset stomach, stomach pain, and other issues. Will this mean lifelong discomfort?
Why 45 Is the New 50: Changes in Colonoscopy Guidelines
In past years, 50 was the magic number. Now, however, the CDC and GI physicians around the world advise getting colonoscopies even earlier, at 45.
Why You Should Get Screened for Colon and Rectal Cancer
Scheduling a colon cancer screening can help preserve your colon health and fight colorectal cancer before it begins or reaches advanced stages.
Kick Off This Year in Good Health: Schedule Your Colonoscopy Screening
Schedule a colonoscopy to begin the year off right and take control of your health. These tests help preserve your wellness and provide peace of mind.
How to Maintain a Healthy Gut This Summer
The summer season brings a few unique obstacles to maintaining GI health, including exhaustion, dehydration, and irregular eating habits.