When Should Hemorrhoids Be Treated By a Specialist?


At GastroGroup and Endocenter, we frequently assist patients who are dealing with the discomfort of hemorrhoids. These inflamed veins, situated in either the lower rectum or around the anus, often present with symptoms like itching, soreness, and sometimes, bleeding. Failing to address these symptoms can lead to more serious health issues, underlining the importance of recognizing the problem and getting medical help.

GastroGroup and Endocenter, a front-runner in gastrointestinal care, aims to empower patients through education about hemorrhoids. As you continue reading, GI doctors from across Louisiana will offer additional guidance on hemorrhoids and when it's time to see a doctor.

What are the different hemorrhoids you may encounter?

Being educated about your condition is critical when dealing with something like hemorrhoids. There are two core types of hemorrhoids:

  • Internal hemorrhoids: Found inside the rectum, they usually don't cause much pain but are more likely to bleed.
  • External hemorrhoids: These form under the skin around the anus and generally bring more discomfort.

Distinguishing between these types is key to getting the right medical help.

Do hemorrhoids ever go away without treatment?

A common question that arises is whether hemorrhoids will vanish on their own. While some milder cases might improve without intervention, we typically recommend getting expert advice from a GI specialist for a precise diagnosis and treatment plan.

What signs should make you consider medical help for hemorrhoids?

Persistent symptoms like itching, discomfort, or even blood in your stool often suggest the presence of hemorrhoids. These warning signs should trigger an immediate consultation with a gastrointestinal expert. Treatment options could vary depending on the kind of hemorrhoids you have. Some treatment methods may include:

  • Warm soaks in the bathtub
  • Over-the-counter creams and ointments
  • An increase in dietary fiber
  • Hemorrhoid banding
  • Surgical options for severe instances

For internal hemorrhoids, the primary treatment is usually increasing your fiber intake, although surgical treatment may be needed for severe cases.

Find care for hemorrhoids in Louisiana

Ignoring the symptoms of hemorrhoids is a risky strategy. Early medical intervention can have a meaningful impact on your health and well-being. If you notice any symptoms that could indicate hemorrhoids, we recommend contacting a GastroGroup and Endocenter near you in Louisiana. Our experienced GI doctors will ensure you receive an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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